CS+Law Workshop: Evaluation and Accountability

About the Series

The IDEAL workshop series brings in experts on topics related to the foundations of data science to present their perspective and research on a common theme. This virtual workshop will feature four talks and discussion sessions.


Courts, administrative agencies, lawyers, and legal professionals increasingly use computational technologies in the delivery of legal information and services, allocation of benefits, enforcement of laws and regulations, and resolution and adjudication of disputes. Computational technologies hold great promise for improving legal services, legal systems, and access to justice. At the same time, the use of these technologies presents risks and raises important questions. This workshop focuses on evaluation and accountability. How do we evaluate effectiveness and measure the impact of technologies for law? How do we ensure accountability, including that uses of technologies for law comport with laws, regulations, and legal principles? Our speakers (Cary Coglianese, Joan Feigenbaum, Maura Grossman, and JJ Prescott) will present their research related to these topics.

The workshop is part of the Spring 2021 Special Quarter on Data Science and Law, co-organized by Northwestern Professors Jason D. Hartline and Daniel W. Linna Jr.


  • Date: Friday, April 30, Noon to 4:00 p.m. Central Time (Chicago time)
  • Location: Talks and General Q&A on Zoom; small-group discussions during intermissions on Gather.Town
  • Free Registration: Attendees must register on Zoom to receive a personalized link. Login information for Gather.Town will be provided via email.


Titles and Abstracts